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Tabata’s Selections from His Papers for References of Scientists and Engineers Working with Energetic Electrons

The link of each paper is to the source deposited at Tabata’s page of the Academia site, in the form of a re-edited post-print. You can find the published version by the DOI link at the top of the post-print.

An algorithm for depth–dose curves of electrons fitted to Monte Carlo data

T Tabata, P Andreo, K Shinoda,

Radiat. Phys. Chem. 53 (3), 205–215 (1998)

Abstract: An accurate algorithm has been developed for the depth profiles of energy deposition by plane-parallel electron beams normally incident on semi-infinite absorbers. The energies of electrons considered are from 0.1 to 20 MeV, and the absorbers considered are elemental materials of atomic numbers between 4 and 92. Adjustable coefficients in the algorithm have been determined so as to minimize its deviations from the Monte Carlo data published by Tabata et al. (1994). The algorithm is also applicable to light compounds and mixtures.

Commentary: The authors published “Corrigendum” for this paper in Radiat. Phys. Chem. 119, 287 (2016). The re-edited post-print includes the corrections. The algorithm in this paper supersedes the earlier one published by Tabata and Ito in Nucl. Sci. Eng. 53, 226 (1974).

Figures: Part of comparisons between the algorithm (curves) and Monte Carlo results (histograms)

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An analytic formula for the extrapolated range of electrons in condensed materials

T Tabata, P Andreo, K Shinoda,

Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 119, 463–70 (1996)

Abstract: A single analytic formula for the extrapolated range rex of electrons in condensed materials of atomic numbers from 4 to 92 is given. It has the form of the product of the continuous-slowing-down approximation (CSDA) range r0 and a factor fd related to multiple scattering detours. The factor fd is expressed as a function of incident electron energy T0 and atomic number Z of medium. Values of adjustable parameters in fd have been optimized for data on the ratio rex/r0, in which the Monte-Carlo evaluated values of Tabata et al. [Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 95 (1995) 289] (from 0.1 to 100 MeV) and experimental data collected from literature (from 1 keV to 0.1 MeV) for rex have been used together with NIST-database values of r0. ...

Commentary: The formula for the extrapolated range of electrons given in this paper supersedes the previous one by Tabata et al. published in Nucl. Instrum. Methods 103, 85 (1972) at least in the energy region above 0.1 MeV.

Figure: Comparison of the formula with Monte Carlo data [not included in the paper but taken from a commentary section (p. 61) of Collected Works of Tatsuo Tabata, Vol. 14, IDEA-TR 18 (2018)]

Reflection ratios of electrons and photons from solids

Abstract: Electron and photon reflection ratios (in number and energy) for absorbers bombarded by electrons have been computed with the ITS Monte Carlo system version 3, and results are given in the form of tables. Electrons of energies from 0.1 to 100 MeV have been assumed normally incident on an effectively semiinfinite absorber. The absorbers considered are elemental solids of atomic numbers from 4 to 92 (Be, C, Al, Cu, Ag, Au, and U). An empirical equation for the electron number-reflection ratio has been formulated, by least-squares fit to experimental data collected from the literature. Values of parameters derived from the Monte Carlo data on photon number- and energy-reflection ratios are graphically presented.

Commentary: The empirical formula for the number reflection coefficient (also called the number backscattering coefficient) of electrons given in this paper supersedes the previous equation, published by Tabata et al. in Nucl. Instrum. Methods 94, 509 (1971), extending the lower limit of the applicable region down to about one keV.

Figures: Comparison of the empirical equation for electron number-reflection ratio with ITS Monte Carlo results and experimental data; (a) absorbers of atomic number 4–13, (b) 29–92.

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